Hey! I’m Carla and this is my little spot on this crazy Internet world where I talk (actually blab) about stuff I love. I’m into baking, cooking, knitting, DIYing, travelling, make-up, and most other typical girly stuff out there (I’m pretty much a grandma in a 36 year old’s body). Thanks for taking the time to drop by (which you should do as many times as possible) and don’t forget to say hi.
P.S.: I’m not a professional baker, chef, knitter, sewist or anything like that. I’m just someone who reads too many blogs, takes fun courses, and luckily I inherited my mom’s amazing kitchen genes. You can find out more about me here.
Hola Carla, gracias por compartir ayer dos de tus “currados” postres en nuestra “primera fiesta” junto@s: tarta de queso con frambuesas y unas galletas con almendra, coco, y leche condensada… Estaban deliciosos. Un placer haber descubierto tus habilidades.
Muchas gracias Yoli! Me encanta ver como la gente disfruta de mis creaciones!
I did love your purse what kind of material or cotton you used let me known is beautiful.
It’s called fabric yarn and there are a few companies that make it now. You’ll find the one I used in the material section of my post.