I love to shop however I don’t do it very often because it could be very dangerous to my wallet! I’m actually pretty restrained; I’ve figured out that if I don’t go into a store then I’m safe. I just can’t go into a store because then I’ll definitely buy something. I’m also not someone who likes to just look for the sake of looking. I like to shop which means I like to buy and spend my money so it’s easier for me not to go into stores because unless something’s caught my eye, I’ll just keep on walking.
I don’t do a lot of online shopping because I don’t know how I could buy clothes without trying them on first however I do buy things for the house, kitchen, and shoes, oh so many shoes online. Online shopping is dangerous, very dangerous, because it’s just so easy to click and it’s done!!! Here are few things I’ve picked up for the summer that I thought I’d share with you. Continue reading